On my Christmas wishlist: Venessa Arizaga Jewelry

Moonshine: $275
Afro Pop: $375
Cleo and the Snake: $175
Time at Sea: $350
Gold Mine: $395
Peru Peru: $225
Buried Past: $275
Pearls for Girls: $225
Faith: $225
 Wild Promises: $325

Pinata Bracelet: $275

Venessa Arizaga jewelery is quirky, original and utterly spectacular!!! I desperately want the Afro Pop or Time at Sea necklaces, perfect statement pieces to lift any outfit. Venessa Arizaga jewelery is now available at one of my favorite stores Opening Ceremony!!!
Check out her website http://venessaarizaga.com and treat yourself to one of these incredible pieces for Christmas.


May Brady said…
Love Opening Ceremony, too!
These pieces are ace, I especially like how they're 'OTT' on charms which makes them a bit unusual (and more fun). Nice finds ;) mb

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