My Favorite Bags by Aixa Sobin of Luscious Leather: part 2

Aixa Sobin is unquestionably talented. Not only are her bags & leather journals impeccably hand crafted, they are also thoughtfully designed and creative. Many of the pieces have quirky design details such as straps that can be changed from over the shoulder to backpack style. Her favorite projects though are customized bags which she can create in as little as 7 days. This idea REALLY interests me! You can fulfill your bag fantasies by designing your shape then you get to pick the leather, color stitching, hardware etc. These bespoke bags normally start at around $300 depending on the work.
Aixa Sobin's hand cut, hand stitched leather goods are available every Saturday and Sunday in the Brooklyn Artists & Fleas market on 6th St, between Berry & Bedford in Williamsburg and mid week in her Soho showroom, on Spring Street between Broadway & Crosby. For custom work appointments contact


Anonymous said…
These bags are to die for!!!!!!!!!!!!
Olivia Turner said…
Im in love with these bags, and those leather bound diaries are amazing! Brilliant for Christmas pressies. Great blog post, thanks for sharing.
Maeve Kidd said…
I NEED one of those bags. They are so awesome.
Unknown said…
Saw her bags in SOHO a few weeks ago. Was in the city this evening and stopped by to look/puchase. Could not find the work/computer bag I wanted so she offered to make me one (can you believe it?). I was so impressed with her that I had her make me a wallet too. Love the style of my current wallet so she took the measurements and will create one from the same leather as my work bag.
Anonymous said…
I have seen her work in my visit to New York City and it is totally amazing. So much talent. I am glad people can find someone that can make a bag to specifications. Sometimes it is so hard to find exactly what one wants. When I go back next January,2014, I certainly will pay a visit to see her new designs order one of the precious things she has.

November 16,2013 at 2:02 a.m.
Unknown said…
Wow, I love her style!