The End Of an Era: R.I.P Alexander McQueen

A tragic end to an incredible life, Alexander McQueen was found dead in his home from apparant suicide on Thursday February 11th just one week after the death of his mother. It is a huge shock to hear about the loss of such a legend.

His death may also prompt Gucci, the group behind the Alexander McQueen brand, to close the label. Analysts speculated that without the designer who founded it, the label would not be profitable enough to survive. I hope that this is not true and that someone will continue the McQueen legacy.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan police said a post mortem examination on McQueen would be carried out on Monday and an inquest would open later in the week.


KORY said…
I don't get a chance to tune in to the world much because I work a lot....I ended up hearing the bad news at work a couple days A.D. I instantly thought to myself, "I would have loved to live his life". I don't want to think about what his personal life was like, I just want to remember him for the great things that he did in a short period of time. The good die young - the Rock Stars never stick around.

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